Reply: 自訂移動格線

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Topic History of: 自訂移動格線

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10 years 2 months ago
Re: 自訂移動格線

Hellow, 625. I'm たいたい竹流(taitai takeru)。

I'm sorry I can not write in Chinese. Instead of it, I write in English. is it OK?

May be you said, like this?
For example, D&D map already printed grid map,
and you wan to fit DodontoF map grid to that printed grid. don't it?

A few years ago, I have tried it. ant it's not work good.
Because printed line is not same line color, weight, and straightly.

My best way to use grid printed map is
cut grid printed maps edge of grid, and set DodontoF grid invisible.

Is it help for you?

  • 625
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10 years 2 months ago

有時候格子差一點就對上了 沒對上造成線條很亂

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